A review by rchaael
Rising Strong by Brené Brown


People I respect who work in diversity and social justice in tech recommended Brené Brown's work. I chose this book rather than Daring Greatly (her work on vulnerability) because the book jacket said that she took up failure and disappointment in meaningful way. Most of the time, I feel okay about my own failures, but sometimes I get sidelined by my emotions, especially disappointment, anger, and grief. I was looking for strategies to reign in my emotions without numbing myself by "compartmentalizing" or ignoring emotions.
I'm not going to say that this book is a panacea for coping with those emotions, but Brené (fuck it, we're on a first name basis) provides a narrative framework (the Rising Strong process-->practice) that I think can help me and likely be helpful for others too. There's a lot of granola, dig-your-toes-into-the-sands-of-life prose, but I think that's what makes it accessible, enjoyable, and ultimately helpful.
The less crunchy among us might be less interested in the breadth of stories and prose. I would recommend the introductory chapters, the final chapter, as well as the chapter on Andrew and dealing with failure at work. Crunchy folks will enjoy the whole book. :)