A review by kaylacreviews
The Ancient Ones by Cassandra L. Thompson


From epic battle scenes to heart-wrenching romance, The Ancient Ones by Cassandra L. Thompson was a harrowing gothic tale. There were many nods to traditional vampires, but Thompson made the trope her own. I absolutely loved how she wove various mythologies together. The unique way the deities came to be was fascinating, though convoluted. This was a strong, five-star read right up until the later chapters when the deities' most ancient history was revealed. Their history was so complex that it was hard to follow, and not all of the revelations made sense to me. It was a lot to wrap my head around in such a short time. Furthermore, given the turn of events at the very end, the conclusion felt rushed—even more so because of the cliffhanger.

That said, I very much enjoyed The Ancient Ones. The narrative was dark, compelling, and addictive. The deep, poignant characters swept me off my feet while the realistic, varied settings held me rapt. Thompson's writing style was so smooth that I hated having to put this book down even for a second. I found the historical scope of the novel impressive, and the way the characters' lives were woven into the timeline of our world was interesting. Though I didn't enjoy the last few chapters as much as the previous ones, I easily lost myself in this novel. I highly recommend The Ancient Ones to those looking for an original, touching vampire story that expertly blends gothic horror, dark fantasy, mythology, and historical fiction.

(Disclaimer: I received a free digital review copy of this book from Storytellers On Tour. All opinions in this review are my own and are honest and unbiased.)

Content Warning: This work contains some violence, murder, and sexual situations.