A review by dconlon
Financial Adulting: Everything You Need to Be a Financially Confident and Conscious Adult by Ashley Feinstein Gerstley


As someone who has a read a good amount of financial literacy and financial advice books, I was excited that Financial Adulting covered not only "basics" in good detail with tangible advice, but also expanded into more advanced financial topics in a clear way that was easy to understand. I made changes in so many areas of my finances from reading this book - from updating my savings goals to starting estate planning.

Ashley Feinstein Gerstley's voice in this book is knowledgeable while still being down to earth and approachable. I also appreciated how she talked about racism and equity within finance. This topic is desperately needed and missing from all other finance books that I have read.

Highly recommend this book for both personal finance beginners and those who are more advanced. If I had read this book at the beginning of my personal finance journey, it would have been a lot clearer and I wouldn't have needed to read so many other resources.