A review by atevenfalls
The Seven Year Slip by Ashley Poston


to say this book was written for me is an understatement. to say i was moved by it is not enough to describe how i feel bc god.. i was immensely touched by everything abt this book and i am really really blown away. i fell absolutely in love with the writing; it’s so raw & u can tell so much heart was put into it. more than anything, i felt like the author entered my head, read my thoughts, and wrote it into a book. sure, i have consumed so many pieces of media that resonated with me, but not this intense. not this frickin close. it almost feels like clementine is me & i am clementine. i feel this book on a really personal level. it’s for the sentimental girlies. those who have nostalgia wrapped around their bones. the hopeless romantics. the burnt out ones but still choose to power through it all. those who live for art, the heart, the magic, the romance of it all. if someone is going to ask me what kind of love i want to have in the future, i will tell them about this book. bc it’s filled with so much love, the type of love that will push you to chase the moon. the type of love that will stay, no matter how long it takes. the type of love that can travel through time but still come back to you. it’s the type of love that connects with your soul, embraces it, and illuminates everything that makes you glow. 

and along with this kind of love is the grief that accompanies it, because as clementine said, “there was never grief without love or love without grief…” and grief is an extension of love, a proof that in this lifetime, there was once a person in your life whom you’ve loved so dearly, someone you still hold close to your heart. the portrayal of all these was so tender that i found myself sobbing and shaking bc everything was so raw and real. 

this book was all sorts of good, to quote one of my fav lines, “it’s the kind of good that stuck to your bones, thick and warm, and coated your soul in golden light.” the seven year slip pierced through my heart, stayed deep within, and i will keep it there as long as i live. this is the kind of piece of media i live for. thank you for this majestic experience, ashley poston. i will surely come back to it in the future, and though i will most probably have changed by then, i am confident that my love for this book will always stay :’) ♡