A review by ralphball
The Gunslinger by Stephen King


I can't tell you how many times I've read this book, it's a lot. I can tell you that the first time I read this I was so very, very confused. My mum and my brother were both reading the series and they convinced me to keep going. It sounds very generic to say "I'm glad I did", but I am.
If I had to rate this book without knowing the details of the rest, it would probably get 2 stars. 1 because it's Stephen King and the other because it has potential. And lordy does it have potential.
But I HAVE read the series and I DO get the references. So it gets 5 stars, same as all the others.
It's been a few years since I read this and I remembered the story, but my brain had changed the length of some storylines. I imagined the part about Tull to be much longer, but it was just a snippet. I also forgot how long Jake was in the book for. Strange what the brain does.
I'll plod along with the series, I'm refreshing before the movie comes out.
(IMDB is telling me the movie is set AFTER the events in this series, not based ON the series. I'm panicking)