A review by finalefile
Torn: Rescuing the Gospel from the Gays-vs.-Christians Debate by Justin Lee


If you're like me, you probably grew up hearing or reading some misinformation about gay people from other Christians. Maybe you heard that they are all promiscuous, or that they could just choose not to be gay, or they were abused as children. Author Justin Lee heard all these things too, but he knew they weren't true, because he was a model Christian teen...who happened to be gay. This book follows Justin's journey toward better understanding both his sexual orientation and his religious beliefs. In the end, he states that no matter your opinion on gay people, what's most important is loving and accepting your friends, family, and the people in your church. He also demonstrates this in the outreach he has done through the Gay Christian Network.

I think this is a great book to read as a companion to God and the Gay Christian and/or God Believes in Love. While those two books focus more on specific why Christians should support and accept LGBT people, Torn is a much more personal story.