A review by reydeam
Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder


Full Review at: Mom-Musings

From the first sentence all the way to the last, Poison Study had my heart pounding. I was drawn into the world of Yelena and did not want to put to the book down until the very end. Even at that, when Poison Study ended…I wanted more.

The storyline had twists and turns that provided action, intrigue, hopefulness and many heart-thumping moments. There were a few predictable moments but overall, the story moved seamless so that any predictable moments were readily forgiven. While there is a romance, it is subtle as it is not the center of the story. The author did an amazing job in detailing the surroundings and atmosphere of Yelena’s world.

The ending was not what I expected but it was very satisfying.

Poison Study is a page-turner that kept me in suspense while I cared and worried about Yelena. It was a fabulous fantasy read of action, suspense and a dab of romance all mixed in with some impressive evil villains.