A review by lanternatomika
A Face in the Crowd by Stephen King


They say that Hell is other people, and Dean Evers learns this the hard way when he starts to notice dead people from his past haunting him from the audience of his baseball games. And that's pretty much it for this story, anyway

Stephen King has written a bit about old age in the past couple of years, the way your life becomes a dull slog (though King himself has quite an interesting life even now) and the way your old choices and mistakes haunt you forever. All this is merged with the love of baseball that King shares with Stewart O'Nan, who joined King in writing up a commentary of the 2004 baseball season that I will definitely (not) get around to reading

A Face in the Crowd charts familiar territory for the master of horror, and these themes were better presented in those stories. Add to that all this baseball stuff that genuinely makes my eyes glaze over, and A Face in the Crowd is really best for the ultra completionists of Stephen King