A review by ketreads
Eragon by Christopher Paolini


Let me preface this with the fact that I am VERY bias when it comes to this series. It was my foray into the fantasy genre and because of that it can do no wrong.

This is my first ever reread in audio book format. I am so glad I waited so long to reread this. As you may have seen me say before, I often reread old favourites like Eragon. Because of the time between my last reread until now has been years, I genuienly forgot the first half of this book.
I had so much fun being reintroduced to characters, plot points, small details, I remember being fully developed in later books but not where they started in this one.

In previous reviews (and as I read more classic fantasy) I realise that Paolini uses a LOT of media that inspires him within his work. I personally think the first book is the worst at this, often having whole plot points and characters lifted from media I've now familiarised myself with.

Paolini's work is often looked back upon negatively, seen as derivitive, and only a success because of his parents being in publishing.
Rereading Eragon for the 1000th time has only helped me further disagree with this belief. I think partly because of my bias and partly because I spent a lot of time last year reading indie authors. The belief that only highly talented authors get published by major brands is a farce. Many authors out there are writing amazing, inspired, and fantastic books out there and them not being traditionally published isn't a comment on the quality of their work.
Paolini being helped by his parents doesn't diminish the fact that while his book does use a lot of elements from media he clearly loved, it also manages to create a rich, fantastical, and mysterious world in just this first book.
I have already put the next book on hold on Libby and can't wait to continue my adventure with the series!

Eragon being one of the best intros into fantasy reading is a hill I am happy to die on.
Fight me.

old 2019 review: This book is simplistic in its writing, derivitive and cliche at best but I cannot stop rereading it.

It may be the time in which I read it, one of my first fantasy book, or it's some how been able to hit that sweet spot between derivitive and adaptation that I love.
I could read this series over and over and never get bored.