A review by the61stbookworm
A Universe of Wishes by Dhonielle Clayton


Overall really enjoyed this, the stories were interesting and compelling. I especially enjoyed the stories like Cristal y Ceniza (a retelling of Cinderella set in a Latin America inspired fantasy world, featuring LGBT characters) that were set in fantasy/sci-fi worlds that are not white; it really made me aware of how Euro/Anglocentric the fiction I generally read is. However, it is 4 rather than 5 stars because for a book aiming to be diverse, I was disappointed by the lack of diversity it showed in certain areas. It was great on racial diversity and LGB representation, but there was only one trans, one nonbinary and one disabled/chronically ill character (none of whom are protagonists), and no neurodiverse, indigenous, ace-spec, ... representation. Please do more next time, I wanted more non-cis stories!