A review by ilyarozanov123
Playing it Safe by Amy Andrews


1.5 stars. Oh, this dragged for me. It might be a me thing, not the book. But this took me forever to finish and I felt reluctant to keep reading a lot of the time. I couldn’t decide if the slow pacing was awkward or hot, but I’m thinking probably the former. So much time spent inner monologuing or waiting for a text. It was all too slow. I like slow burn romances, don’t get me wrong, but this felt more like a writing issue in the way it was executed. Too little happened.

Donovan’s reasons for not coming out suddenly didn’t matter anymore, and everything turned out so well with everyone being extremely supportive. His ex-wife had asked him to stay closeted until their daughter was out of high school, but suddenly that didn’t matter either, because Donovan came out to them without asking the ex about it first. I was also annoyed with Beckett for “breaking up” with Donovan for the reason he did. And then the cheesy public reconciliation…

Well, props to the author for her first MM. I thought those parts turned out pretty well. But the story itself left quite a bit to be desired in my opinion.