A review by ebgracie77
Bayou With Benefits by Erin Nicholas


4.5 stars. New to me author but definitely will be trying more of her books.

This one was different than most romances. We know from page 1 that these two really like each other. The timeline goes back a little to catch us up on how that all comes out and then we get to see them get together.

At 50%-ish, the book almost felt done. Like “ok, that was good. Those two are sweet together and I’m happy”. But then, the author dealt with some issues.

The hero is so sweet. He’s lovely and he wants to be there and fix things. The reason they don’t get into a relationship in the beginning is that he can’t stand to do a long distance relationship where he’s not able to fix things for her.

The learning after the 50% mark includes her understanding what she needs and then working out how he doesn’t get to fix everything for her.

It was really well done. And I appreciate the therapy rep in this. This is not one of those romances where the relationship is responsible for healing them completely. I like that. It felt fairly realistic as well as romantic.

It also includes his very cool kid and him dealing with some learning of his own.

The only thing that marked this down for me was that they both liked each other but hooked up with other people. It’s before this book starts but I like feeling like my main characters are each other’s as soon as they are interested. But they had made conscious decisions not to pursue each other. Mostly because of his aversion to a long-distance relationship.