A review by peneloperea
The Point by John Dixon


I read this one fast. Ignoring other tasks fast. That said I give it 3-3.5 stars for a few reasons detailed below. Spoilers may pop up read further at your own risk.

I’m a bad news first kinda girl so let’s start with problems. Editing. Especially in the first few chapters I highlighted a # of half words or missing words that took me out of the story every time I hit one. That, for me, is very frustrating and takes away from the story.

I enjoy reading about messy characters. Flawed characters who grow. Maybe they don’t become perfect but they grow and in the end the MC Scarlett does grow. Score! That said I had some problems with details of her character.

Throughout the book there are mentions of Scarlett missing her friends but we NEVER meet any friends. Even the boy she’s with at the start is more of a toy. She feels more of a loner who wouldn’t have friends because of how selfish she is. It also seems like it would be more interesting when she meets people at The Point who she connects with.

Why is her brother so mean to her? I get their dad beat him but what adult male is beating his sister and does he know about the powers? I honestly felt like her brother could be cut from the story and replaced with her father. Scarlett wants her fathers love and for him to see her as a good, strong person. To me the brother was a horrible person and there was no reason for Scarlett to love him, other than because the author wants her. He hits her and she brings that up more than once, that is all we see of him.

The Point- loved the details about West Point. Wonderful to see in my head. What I didn’t get is why Rhodes would so easily trust Dalia, she’s a terrible person and it’s obvious to everyone but the guy in charge? And no one talks. No one sees all the crap she does? Other than her, I loved everyone we met at The Point. It would be fun to explore other powers a little more.

I was confused why Scarlett never caught on to Dalia. She shows up in your “dream” but you never explore why the dream walker is there? I really did enjoy this book, perhaps that is why I picked up on details that didn’t work for me. I want it to work. I want to LOVE this world.

Some wishes, I want to see Scarlett with her BFF and other friends, we need that if we’re to believe she has so many friends. We need to see something good between Scarlett and her brother otherwise he’s a just another bully and her need for revenge feels forced. I’d love more info on Jagger. He’s terrible but I wanted to know more about him.

I feel like this is a lot, I really want more from this world and these characters. I want to know what happens next. How do they rebuild The Point? The Farm? Does anyone catch on the Rhoude’s is a terrible person who should not be in charge? Do we ever learn what Scarlett’s brother was up to? How does Scarlett change the world. Tell me. And hurry!!!

Thank you to Random House Publishing and Net Galley for providing me with a copy of this book for my honest review.