A review by unladylike
Wolverine: Three Months to Die, Book 1 by Paul Cornell, Ryan Stegman


I finally found a Wolverine book I really liked (and it was not one I was expecting)!

Here's what I think it comes down to: Wolverine is great so long as there's constant tension between his character and others he's trying to be in a team with. That's it.

Montages of him throughout history fighting in different wars are cool, but every time I've read a Wolverine book where he's just off as the lone wolf, the good stuff is just not there. Whereas in Wolverine and the X-Men, it's there. In Uncanny X-Force, it's there. Why? ^^^^^ Because there's constant tension with his own TEAM(s). In both of those books, Wolverines credentials as a Good Hero (or as a school headmaster) are in question because of all the Bad Things he tends to do. Uncanny X-Men was probably the first time I saw him actually doing it - going on Black Ops and killing people.

Paul Cornell gets that. I had no idea who a lot of the characters were in Three Months to Die, nor did I sort out until late in the first book that Logan is seen by the Avengers et al as having become a villain. (I can only guess this is based on things that were happening in yet *another* title leading up to Wolverine's death!)

The sequencing of events might be a tad too confusing for some readers, but I was able to figure it out and even care about a bunch of characters that were new to me. The book has its flaws but mostly it was really good at showing Wolverine in some positions we've never seen him, or in similar circumstances to how we usually see him, but without his ace in the hole. He has to learn to rely on a different skillset than Fight & Heal.