A review by fiekesfiction
The Gender Games: The Problem with Men and Women, from Someone Who Has Been Both by Juno Dawson


Welcome, welcome.

I feel a huge urge to buy a lot of copies of this book and give them to anyone I know or just strangers on the street. YOU SHOULD READ THIS BOOK!!


Let’s start with Some quotes, that clearly show How eppic this book is:

“Gender, like so many imaginary friends, lied to me about the world.”

“If gender is a construct, a person identifying as ‘man’ or ‘woman’ is, in fact, aligning themselves with a fiction. “

“ I think you Should only be allowed to write a memoire. Unless...
1 you are a former Spice girl or...
2have in Some way shaped or changed history or society like the spice girls did.”

“My friend’s daughter is constantly misgendered because she favours clothes with dinosaurs on it. EVERYONE KNOWS ALL DINOSAURS WERE BOYS AND THAT’s WHY THEY’RE NOW EXTINCT. “

“Fame is diet love, it tastes like love and looks like love, but there’s zero percent real love in it.” (Page 115)


The gender games is anon-fiction book that is a true story about how Juno lived her life being born as a boy but wanting to be a girl. But it also includes essays, surveys and opinions on gender.

I really loved this book! It is an important story about gender and feminist and equalty and it is also filled with humor, culture references and relatable situations. But it also talks about Fame, Sexism (male and female), discrimination, parenting (or not being a parent), being gay, the media and politics. And then there’s Harry Potter references and Spice Girls and Sex and the City and the hunger games (obviously).
A book About how gender makes sure the odds are never in our favour.

It talks about why there’re such big differences between men and women. How we should ALL support each other, no matter your gender, sex, class, skin tone, religion or ethnicity. (remember who the real enemy is!)


My one point of dissagree ment is this: “there’s something about blonds, isn’t there? We do treat them differently (just ASK little girls who they prefer- Anna or Else?) “ clearly, Elsa is not cool because of her hair, it’s the ICE POWER you idiots. (Also I kinda like Anna more??)


Just random notes I wrote down: (they are noncense mostly but just sharing)

“I heard many of them say, ‘Dave would prefer a girl.’ “ (P55) Why are all these people giving a shit and talking about DAVE? Who is Dave?

Maybe it’s cultural but I only say “good boy” or “good girl” to Dogs and pets never to babies. Do people use them? (About page 57) Also, I in general don’t often talk to babies (what is there to say? And what do THEY have to say? Nothing.) so maybe that’s why. I find myself hating the fake squeaky noise most people’s voices start making when talking to kids/animals anyways.


I can tell this book had a huge impact on me. I will be thinking about it a lot (possibly change this review) and I might reread it some time. For now I’m very curious to read Juno’s other boo This book is gay.