A review by treesofreverie
Storm and Grace by Kathryn Heyman


Initial ramblings*: WOW this is an incredible, intensely mesmerising read and I just could not put this book down! It's an incredibly poetic and engaging read. The language so beautiful I kept finding myself going back to reread certain passages just to rediscover them again. The characters feel so real... I felt myself slipping into their world so hauntingly easily. Grace is such a beautiful character and I was so drawn to the way certain events unfolded and pushed her deeper into Storm's life. This book has left my whole body buzzing and my heart racing; I don't think I'll be able to stop thinking about this book for months to come!

Now I can't believe I have to wait until February to get this book into other people's hands. I already feel like this is going to be a huge hand-sell title for me at work next year... Everyone needs to read this book!

*I'll be writing up a proper review at a time closer to the publishing date but I just wanted to get some thoughts out now. PS I am also feeling somewhat triggered about some of my past experiences by a few things in this book but in a good/healthy/moved past this years ago way?? It's hard to explain here so I'd like to explore that more at a later time.