A review by drakoulis
Book of Dreams by Kevin Craig


Book of Dreams is a peculiar YA fantasy story. It starts when Gaige enters a bookshop on Elm Street (red flag, Gaige) which wasn't there before, owned by an old man who should be dead and acquires a book which can suck him inside it.

There he encounters Mael, a boy trapped in limbo between the real world and the book's world for decades. He finds out that he loses time in the real world whenever he is drawn in the book.

Gaige's boyfriend Logan and his best friend Noah are drawn into this terrifying world when Gaige desperately tries to explain to them what is happening, and they find themselves in precarious situations as the old man is determined to use them as a tool to uncover the book's world secrets.

The description is very vivid and inspired by horror films, and the villain is downright creepy.

I loved the depiction of Gaige's and Logan's relationship: they're quite different personalities and don't always see eye to eye, but they love each other, resolve the tension with a kiss and accept that they will have arguments sometimes. I found it very sweet!

The book could have better dialogue and a more extended epilogue in my view.

Thank you NetGalley and Interlude Press for the ARC!