A review by empress_extra
Finding Gideon by Eric Jerome Dickey


Fan-4-Life Dickey fan here. I always love it when he goes back to previous characters to finish up or continue their storylines. Such is the case with "Finding Gideon". All of Dickey's fans have been patiently awaiting the arrival of Gideon again. We missed his edgy, sexy, assassin-ating tail! He comes back full throttle looking for revenge on Medianoche and I, for one, am so incredibly pleased he did!! This novel is so action-packed and full of turn-the-page-quickly suspense, it's just Dickey's work at its finest. Make sure to grab those Spanish to English language translators (he hates it when I say this *wink*) to really get the feel of exactly what the character said and you'll be ready for an awesome ride from one side of the ocean to the other.