A review by erikasarutobi
Sayonara, Football, Vol. 1 by Naoshi Arakawa


The manga is about a girl who loves playing football and is very amazing at it but since there's no female club, she bothers the male club to let her play in one of the matches in the tournament for reasons explained later. The club obviously refuses because they would get disqualified but oh, she finds a way in the end. *wink wink*

Now, the story concept was good but the execution, not so much for me. Nozomi is somewhat violent even when it is a joke, it's never funny. Moreover, many things happen impulsively that I wonder what's the point. There were so many characters introduced all at once and despite the names on the screen, I had a hard time knowing who's who unless they had very different features.

Another issue I had were the speech bubbles, I had a hard time figuring out who's speaking because of the many characters and they all spoke similarly so it was hard to distinguish between them half the time.

Overall, it wasn't bad but I didn't enjoy it because I was exasperated from all the violence from Nozomi and all the flat chested comments towards her. The speech bubbles didn't help either because they didn't have arrow markers and sometimes were drawn in an empty panel so you can't make out who's talking. I'll probably just read the next volume to see how the ending in the first volume plays out over to the sequel but I don't think I'll read further than that.

Thank you Netgalley for providing me with the digital copy for an honest review.