A review by sitathereader
Any Given Lifetime by Leta Blake


Neil and Joshua - a love that spans lifetimes.

It seems weird, that two men, who had only been together for a year would have such a deep and burning love. But they do, and the fact it lasts, that it still burns through the years shows why Neil would come back specifically for Joshua. Also, the first time round they didn't get to have their ending, and obviously, they need it, they have to have it.

It's a fascinating telling of two men, who are smart and rational and yet they believe so much in each other and their love that it can transcend their understanding of the world. It was beautiful.

And while their paths are separated for quite some time during the story, you can still see their connection beating steadily in the background. You can almost touch it.

Lee, Alice, Derek and the other characters in this story add depth, colour and dimension. They help shine light and understanding on Neil and Joshua . . . while also being unique to themselves.

Quite a brilliant read. Enjoyable, delightful and very entertaining.