A review by the_sunken_library
So You've Been Publicly Shamed by Jon Ronson


An interesting read. While some criticise Ronson of not having a focus, of a meandering narrative with no real "discovery" or message at the end i feel they have missed the point of this book, sadly. This is an exploration of us as humans; as individuals and as a faceless collective. It is always truly terrifying to discover the lengths "normal humans" will go to if they can be one in a crowd.

Ronson discusses with honesty and humour the destruction of people via social media, for what are in general minor transgressions. A crap joke, a photo taken in jest. He looks at why these situations blew up and how/if the focus of the Internet's inevitable venom and bile survived/recovered.

Ronson is a journalist, he's here to discuss and open our minds not tell us how to think. For me, this book will make me think twice before i simply witness or actively join in on a public shaming - i will relax, breath and think "is this really that bad?" are these people really the monsters twitter/Facebook etc makes them out to be.

Whats scary recently is that the internet and social justice is silencing so many voices. Telling people to not be themselves or suffer the consequences. Its censorship through shame and its something we must confront if we wish to stop it.