A review by xjinxedx
The Dire King by William Ritter


2.5 stars. This was incredibly disappointing. I knew as soon as I got halfway in that I was going to be upset with the ending. I couldn't even really finish it, I had to jump some pages here and there because I knew I was going to hate it anyway.
There were various reasons why this series went downhill from here. 1. You gave me a man like Charlie and then throw him away like he was nothing. 2. Jackaby should not have a love interest. Hell no. 3. You lost me somewhere at the end of the third book and I haven't been able to jump back on the bandwagon. 4. Jenny should be with her long lost love. I will not say any more about it.
I will say that I liked that you decided to give Rook the sight but other than that, this whole book was a blah for me. I enjoyed the first 2 so much and these last two have been heartbreaking.