A review by ameserole
How to Build Meaningful Relationships through Conversations by Carol Ann Lloyd


This was definitely something different for me.

I don't usually dive into any sort of self-help book but How to Build Meaningful Relationships through Conversations intrigued me. Mostly because I just did my year end review with my boss and he kept saying that I was a very independent worker. So I took that to heart because I used to always be a team player beforehand.

That being said, I saw this book and figured this could definitely help me in and out of the work place.

The little levels we go through dive into how one can become a better listener, speaker, and overall better person. Never really thought of myself as being super selfish when it came to talking to someone but I can definitely tell when I start to zone out of a conversation. Not saying that the person I'm talking to is boring or not important.. no it's just that I am constantly doing something workwise.

It also dove into multitasking.. and how it's kind of nonexistent and no one is good at it. Well this made me laugh because I'm constantly juggling multiple things every day of the week. Especially for work.. but also when I dive into reading some books. So, I'm not fully on board with that statement since I tend to succeed in multitasking.

Other than that, it was something new and different for me.