A review by jenbsbooks
The Night of Many Endings by Melissa Payne


Included in KindleUnlimited, with Kindle and audio included, I liked this, although I don't know if it will stick in my memory. Five very different people, each with tragic backstories, at the library when a winter storm requires them to shelter in place for a while. A little bit of "Breakfast Club" coming together despite differences. 

Maybe I've had too simple a life, but I do have to wonder that five random people could all have SUCH tragedy in their lives. Instead of being inspiring ... I think this depresses me. Maybe my mood at the moment. Just a question of WHY we go on in the world when there is such sadness everywhere. Even though there is the hope and learning along the way, it's just a little hard for me to get past at times. 

I'd commented in a recent read ([book:Whale Talk|49746]) that it was a little hard to swallow, SO much tragedy in such a small group. Definitely the case here too, although for some reason it felt a little more realistic here. Nora was just TOO good though. There were a few other things that were too predictable SPOILER
the whole "she's diabetic" ... I saw that coming and was rolling my eyes that no one there figured it out sooner. It's not like I have a lot of personal experience with it or anything, but still ... obvious!
although other things (the Mario situation) did keep me guessing. 

Five people ... but really only three (Nora, Marlene, Lewis) get the stories told from their POVs. All third person/past tense. Audio had three different narrators (not required in 3rd person, but appreciated on my end) and I liked that the Table of Contents listed the POV (helpful if you are looking back, and remember whose head you were in). 

One little "um what?" moment in the audio - "he put his head on her thigh" ... um what? "palm up" ... yeah okay, that was supposed to be "hand" not "head" ... slipped through the editing. 

I don't know that the title totally fit for me ... I was thinking "After the Storm" but I see that there are already a ton of books with that title, and I know it's better to have something more unique. 

Why couldn't this have been a couple pages longer ... I never really paid that much attention to book length until STORYGRAPH and their dang pie charts. I feel like I had too many "under 300 page" books this month (although I know it all averages out).