A review by nicolemhewitt
Don't Touch by Rachel M. Wilson


This review and many more can be found on my blog: Feed Your Fiction Addiction

Remember that magical thinking you had as a child? I do. I remember truly believing that if my parents didn’t say “Good night, sleep tight, don’t let the bedbugs bite, I love you, see you tomorrow, hugs and kisses” before they left my room after tucking me in, something truly bad would happen. I was convinced of that. I probably believed it for more years than I should have, but I did eventually grow out of it. Now, imagine that you still had that sort of magical thinking as a teenager. That’s this story. Caddie fears that if she lets someone touch her, her world will fall apart. She knows it’s not a normal belief and she wants to convince herself it’s not true, but she can’t quite get there. Every day is a struggle – a struggle not to touch and a struggle to hide her illness from the people around her. Her story is compelling and heartbreaking and painfully raw and real. If you’re interested in books that focus on mental health, this is a MUST READ!