A review by helpfulsnowman
Seekers of the Weird by Brandon Seifert


The backstory behind this book is very charming, the idea that there was supposed to be a sort of haunted museum attraction at Disney along with the haunted mansion. But you’ve now read the most interesting thing about all of this.

Usually I’m a fan of the ambitious failure, the story trying to do a lot with a little, but this one kind of does a little with a lot, a less desirable combo.

I don’t know, I suspect disney is probably glad they didn’t do the whole weird museum thing. Chances are, being built so long ago, it’d have some of those weird Ripley’s vibes where we cross over from a guy who can fit three pool balls in his mouth to “check out this actual shrunken head” and so on.

Now, if they had Walt Disney’s frozen body in the museum, that’d be awesome. I heard a conspiracy theory once that said Disney made Frozen so that when you searched Walt Disney Frozen you would stop getting rumors about him being cryogenically preserved and start getting stuff about a princess who was turned into snow (or whatever, I’ve never seen it, I hear it’s fine).

This is one of my all-time favorite conspiracies because it’s totally harmless, it’s plausible, and whether it’s true or not doesn’t change my life one bit, so it’s fun to think about.

Take note, makers of conspiracy theories:
1. Harmless
2. Plausible
3. Unimportant