A review by c_hayman
Life of Pi by Yann Martel


An excellent fantasy novel that keeps the reader skimming through the pages at a fast pace and is also filled with a bunch of suspense. What I enjoyed about the novel is the interesting facts surrounding animals, the number of important life lessons that Pi teaches the reader and the mixture & confusion between what is real and what is fiction. However, the book does contain certain gory parts that are described in graphic detail but fear not it is usually no more than a paragraph. The author uses excellent language to tell the story of Pi without any use of cuss words and the novel can be analysed on two levels which makes it an allegorical tale filled with a bunch of symbols & hidden meanings. An excellent read for anyone who enjoys thinking about religion in more depth especially if you enjoy survival & adventure novels. Moreover, Pi is a character whose characteristics I grew fond of during my reading of the novel and I think you (the reader) will too.