A review by cjazzlee
Carnelians by Catherine Asaro


You know when you have a favorite author/series/family that you follow, and you have a pile of books to get to, but you just pick up that old favorite and re-read it instead? That's how I am about this entire Ruby dynasty family invented by Ms. Asaro.

I just reread this book after reading Diamond Star for the first time this past weekend.

I actually teared up this time over some of the mental and emotional suffering that Jabriol Qox III goes through, and how he reconnects with his true family for the briefest of instants for the first and perhaps only time ever.

It's not just the family threads holding this book (and ALL the other books in this sprawling saga) together that appeals to me. There is richly drawn political intrique, very clearly drawn civilizations (one earth, two others that are similar to but much different from actual human beings), and fascinating science (physics, biology and a bit of chemistry). Oh, and music (less so than in Diamond Star, but still).

Don't let the cover dissuade you, seriously.


I really really loved the inventive solution of using the game Quis as a story-telling and culture-shaping way of infiltrating all levels of society in two major civilizations and slowly, slowly bringing about change in even the major tenets of those civilizations.

I am left sad and hopeful and wondering if there will be another chapter in the life of this Trader Emperor. Oh, I hope Jabriol reconnects with the other Ruby members again in some universe. Oh, I so hope that he gets to know one day of the true fate of his mother, father and siblings. How I long for some happiness (beyond that which he's found with his empress), true friendship and healing for this powerful, unique, creative and lonely psion.

It's such an enjoyable read.