A review by onceupon_a_bookdream
Love by Molly McAdams


{I received a digital arc for an honest review]


is the second stand alone in the Secrets in L.A series by Molly McAdams. I haven't read the first book but after Hollis and Adam ((sigh my heart)) in this one it makes me want to go back and read the first book.

Kinsley moves to L.A. to work at the hospital of her dreams in the Labor & Delivery unit. She so excited by the move and tries to ignore the negativity from her family, friends, and long time boyfriend over it. She moves into a mansion with a group of girls and has an instant connection with Ariana. These feelings scare her and make her question everything she assumed about herself. Ariana is secure in who she is and has a rule to not start relationships with roommates, but she can't ignore Kinsley. It's always been just her and her best friend, but she can't imagine not having Kinsley in her life. They have to keep their relationship secret for many reasons, but in the end those reasons may destroy what they have built behind doors.

"What do you want?"
"Everything," I said without hesitation.
"Everything, as long as it's with you."

90 % of the content I read is Queer, so when I saw that one of my favorite MF romance writers was writing an FF romance, I was so excited. The intimacy scenes between Ariana and Kinsley are very well written and might have been my favorite parts of the book itself. They were passionate and came to life when they were together one on one. Whether they were being physically intimate or just getting to know each other, I really enjoyed them as a couple. It was outside their bubble that things fall apart pretty quickly for me.

I spent the first half of the book not being the biggest fan of Kinsley's actions, and the second half not being a fan of Arianas. Kinsley is figuring out her sexuality, so I expected indecision on her part, but she went hot and cold so often it was a bit too angsty for me. Then they seem to get to a good point in their relationship and Ariana is completely blind to Kinsley's feelings when it comes to her uncomfortably close relationship with her best friend Stevie. Yeah..Stevie is just the worst character and her “circumstances” in my opinion did not make up for her behavior, she was a b*tch and it wasn't cute. I'm not even going to get into Kinsley's horrendous hometown "friends and family" but they did give her a reason for her strong indecisiveness.

I enjoyed our main female leads for the most part, and I really loved how Kinsley stood up for her feelings and stood her ground at the end when it came to their relationship. The apologizes at the end that were due on both their parts were mature and satisfying. I could feel their connection from the start, but all the outside drama was just too much by the end. I felt like the drama overshadowed the emotion between them because it felt like they kept going in circles.

by Molly McAdams is an FF romance with high angst, lots of drama, passion, Sunday brunches, extra whipped cream and more than a few secrets.

Side note: It sounds from the synopsis that there is a love triangle and cheating in the book, but thankfully there isn't.

Trigger warning: dealing with the birth of a still born at the main character's job at labor & delivery