A review by lunaeclipse
A Scandal in Scarlet by Vicki Delany


July 17th, for “The Cat of the Baskervilles” I wrote, “I love this series, but really did it have to end the way it did? Can I have the next book now?” and the book gods delivered with an advanced galley of “Scandal in Scarlet”. It’s a series set in a small Cape Cod town of West London where Gemma Doyle and Jayne Watson are co-owners in the Sherlock Holmes Emporium and Mrs. Hudson tea room. Gemma Doyle is smart and notices things that others don’t, much like her shops namesake.

The fourth book in the series focuses on a woman who is murdered in Mrs. Hudson’s tea room. Gemma is recruited by her awful neighbor and shop owner of Beach Fine Arts at 221 Baker Street to investigate and clear her name. Like the previous three books this is a light entertaining read, and if she writes more I’ll gladly read them.

One of the best things about this series is that it has opened a whole new reading list for me. Gemma Doyle, being the owner of a bookstore, regularly recommends books to her customers. These books are real and on more than one occasion I have bought said books to read.

I'm gonna try my luck - can I have the next book now please?