A review by what_ella_reads
The Enchanted Sonata by Heather Dixon Wallwork


My rating: 5 out of 5 stars

I had enjoyed Heather Dixon Wallwork's other two books, so I thought I would like her latest release "The Enchanted Sonata,". I was right!

"The Enchanted Sonata," is a fun retelling of The Nutcracker Ballet and The Pied Piper Legend. I think the author did a great job of both blending the two stories and making the plot itself original enough to set itself apart from the two stories that inspired it.

Another one of this books strengths are its characters. Both of the main characters, Clara and Nikolai, are likeable, but have their faults. Clara is smart, resilient, and thoughtful. Clara is also a typical teenage girl, who definitely makes some silly decisions. She does learn from them, though, and is better for the things she went through.
Nikolai is caring, brave, and kind. Nikolai is also a typical teenage boy, who lets his temper get the best of him sometimes. He, like Clara, matures and realizes that sometimes you have to just let things go.

Another thing I really enjoyed about this book was the romance between the two main characters. Though it happened quickly, since most of the book takes place over a 24 hour period, it didn't feel like an insta-love romance. It felt natural and real, I think because it was left as a budding love, that could and would lead to something more after the story itself ends.

I'm so glad I gave this book a read. I could definitely find myself re-reading it again in the Wintertime!