A review by ranee_samaniego
Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery


4.5 / 5 Stars —> updated to 5 Stars after the second read

Anne of Green Gables is a dreamy story following the growth of Anne from a starry-eyed girl to a thoughtful young woman.

Below are some of the major themes / motifs that I treasure in Anne of Green Gables:

- I adored the deep, geniune love between Anne and Diana - the "bosom friends." As someone who has a "bosom friend" (or, as I call it, a "soul sister"), I felt that Montgomery accurately depicted the depth of a true friendship. I find that true, deep friendships seem to be missing nowadays (in literature, in media, and in reality), replaced instead by romance. However, Anne and Diana's friendship shows that geniune love can be found amongst friends/sisters just as much as amongst romantic partners - if not more!

- I also loved how Anne found God's glory in nature. I, too, worship God the most when amongst His creation. L.M. Montgomery skillfully painted such peaceful scenes of nature that I felt as if I were walking along Lovers' Lane or staring out onto the Lake of Shining Waters.

- I liked that, as Anne grew and matured, she eventually was able to strike the balance between dreaming/hoping and being practical/rooted in reality. She made the loving decision to stay at Green Gables and forego her college education while still optimistically viewing her future. That elusive "bend" in her plans brought her hope and excitement rather than despair. This is a lesson I feel that we can all learn from - our futures may not be laid out and may have "bends," but we cannot stop dreaming and hoping that our bends may lead to something greater and more exciting than we imagine.

- Finally, Montgomery created such a sweet found-family with Anne, Marilla, and Matthew. They are all so vastly different - Anne is talkative and a dreamer; Marilla is practical and nononsense,; and Matthew is shy and tentative. Yet, somehow, they come together and form a sweet, loving family, and each blossom under their shared love.

Overall, Anne of Green Gables is a treasured novel that teaches us to dream while staying rooted, pause to enjoy God's creation, and cultivate deep, geniune relationships in life.