A review by blackngoldgirlsbookspot
A Lady Most Lovely by Jennifer Delamere


I'll admit it, going into this I was thinking it was going to be one of those bodice rippers which are okay, but they aren't generally something I read. Surprisingly, A Lady Most Lovely is actually a really clean general market book that could even be classified as an edgy Christian fiction. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and I'm planning on adding book 1, An Heiress at Heart to my to read list. There isn't a whole lot of history in this book but it is still an enjoyable, fun romance. Margaret Vaughn is a bit unlikable at first, seeing as how she's only out for money, but I really enjoyed seeing her interact with Tom Poole once she learns who he really is. They both thought that love was just about the least important benefit in their relationship. It was definitely interesting to watch their relationship evolve and mature as they faced a foe from both of their pasts. A Lady Most Lovely is definitely a book I'd recommend to ANY romance reader! Cute story!

* I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher through a Goodreads First-Reads giveaway. I was not obligated to write a positive review. *