A review by theaclaire
Prey Tell by Amanda Richardson


This book is what 50 Shades wishes it had been, and I’m absolutely here for it. Yet again, Amanda Richardson brings us quinky, beautifully written characters for steam scenes that leave you wanting so much more. 

Our FMC, Juliet, is strong, analytical and knows exactly what she wants. There’s no “oh man maybe I don’t want this” wishy washy semi-consent here and it immediately set me at ease, that she knew exactly what she was getting herself into with Chase Ravage.

Our MMC, Chase, has built up walls his entire life to keep everyone out - except her. Chase is loyal, somewhat to a fault, to his best friend, Jackson - AKA Juliet’s brother. And he is so incredibly support of both of them when they need it most.

I finished this book in one sitting and can’t wait to read Miles’ story in the next Ravaged Castle series.