A review by kewlpinguino
On Cosmopolitanism and Forgiveness by Jacques Derrida


3.5. Before I say anything I have to admit two things:

1. I've always kind of dismissed Derrida as a pretentious incomprehensible language theorist, but after finding out about his late ethical period and reading this I really need to reconsider my stance; in other words, he's far from being Bataille.

2. I found this book through a Goodreads "people also liked" list and only initially hovered over it because of the cool looking cover, but the title and the concept grabbed me.


While I didn't grab everything here, I think if I reread it I'll get even more out of it. I do admire Derrida's effort and the concepts I grasped I think I mostly agreed with, especially in the Cosmopolitanism section, because the Forgiveness, while interesting, aren't applicable to a political system. Nonetheless I think I might read more of Derrida's ethics work.