A review by inkdrunkmoth
The Misadventures of Grumpy Cat and Pokey, Volume 1 by Royal McGraw, Elliott Serrano, Ben Fisher, Ken Haeser, Ben McCool, Steve Uy, Tavis Maiden, Agnes Garbowska


-- A NetGalley ARC review--

I read this book because I'm a huge Grumpy cat fan, so when I heard about the comics, I was all for them. And it was adorable. It was silly and cheesy and the ideas were cute. But honestly, what ruined it for me? The short appearances of the people. All of which were white except for one of the robbers in the SuperHero story, who's skin colour basically changed from black to white, with features that were very much black when in detail. WHY? Even King Tut in the last story was white. I don't understand why this had to be the case. They didn't even have the same owners throughout the comics, and yet they were all white. It's just frustrating. Show some creativity in your art, I'm just saying.