A review by bandherbooks
Fighting for What's His by Laura Kaye


I adore a "good best-friend's little sibling" romance and Fighting for What's His is a perfect addition to the trope!

Billy Parrish promised his army buddy that he'd do anything for him, even if it means letting his little sister, Shayna Curtis, move into his apartment as she starts her new job in Washington DC.

Letting anyone into his regimented life is especially difficult for this veteran, as Billy struggles with PTSD and the third degree burn scars that still cover much of his body, as well as trying to find meaning in his new life as a PI.

Not only is Shayna bubbly, outgoing, and kind of messy, she's also hot as hell and passionate about her career as a photojournalist. Basically, perfect for the man Billy used to be, but not touchable for the man Billy is now.

As these two dance around their attraction and try to stay simply roommates, they'll find it harder and harder as they also find they may just be perfect for each other, damages and all.

Another winner from the Warrior Fight Club series for Laura Kaye!