A review by emiloudly
The Crack in Space by Philip K. Dick


This is the first Philip K. Dick novel I have ever read, but it sure isn't going to be the last. I was really surprised - and impressed - at how much was compressed into so short a novel. Not only is there prime science fiction material here (a head with two bodies! cryogenics! and a major plot point reminiscent of a Fringe episode) but there is also a boatload of social commentary concerning race, identity, and reality. Though it's under 200 pages, I found myself getting a little bored at a few spots, but I would continue on until the next interesting part would come along. It was hard for me to buy the gaping racial chasm that is depicted in the book (maybe it's because this is not at all how the Obama campaign went) but in the end, PKD makes a great point about the foolishness of discrimination. And I still don't know what a Jifi-scuttler is supposed to do. And the ending just sort of ... existed. I've read a few other reviews of this particular story and it's not his most hailed work - so it's probably good I've got Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? waiting in the wings.