A review by beereina
Torment Me by Annabel Joseph


Read to me by Alexa

This was so well done! I thought I was gonna read some cheap story about an escort with a special client that was into BDSM and instead what I got was a story about growth and longing with a lot of extra sex. If you loved Pretty Woman. You will love this 

Chere is an high-end escort and she meets the mysterious “W”. He books her for a night and realizes that he doesn’t want to share her. I’m not talking the traditional OTT J/P alpha male for my romance girlies. No, he keeps it strictly business. He wants to see her when he wants. He doesn’t want to hear that she can’t make it because she’s already booked. So he makes her an offer she can’t refuse and he becomes her exclusive client. 

In these sessions or “scenes” as they call them, “W” hurts her and degrades her but then he kisses it all better. Between the degradation during the scenes ( she hears some truths that hard but she needs them) and the after care ( more truths and low key therapy), Chere realizes she wants to make changes in her life. 

“W” keeps Chere and us at an arms length. We don’t know his name, what he does, or even his true personality. What we do know is that he is having a profound effect on Chere and she is having a hard time not getting pulled in too deep.

This is book 1 of their story and it doesn’t end on cliffy but you know their story isn’t over. I dont know if “W” if gonna be the Richard Gere to Chere’s Julia, but I sure hope so. He’s made a great start. We just need to know his name!