A review by cheryls
A Wife in Every Sense by Joanne Walsh


Aleksei Aleksanou, Greek billionaire, was Kate Burrows' boss. She developed a slight crush on him and decided that it would never go anywhere because he doesn't do love or commitment. So, she quit her job and was going on a two month vacation. The day before she left he came to her apartment and they ended up in bed. Ten weeks into her vacation, she starts to put two and two together because she's sick all the time and she's very tired. When she tells Aleksei what's going on, he decides marriage is the best thing. Will she be able to change his playboy ways? Can she live her life married to someone that will never love her?

Aleksei is Greek and his English is not always perfect. Kate is English and her English might be worse than his. I didn't feel much emotion from Kate until the end of the book. I also didn't like the way she allowed to Aleksei to talk to her sometimes. The whole fight with Phoenix in the hotel room and how Aleksei made it seem like it was Kate's fault, was ridiculous. I don't think he was mad enough. An ex-girlfriend sneaks into your hotel room and attacks your pregnant wife? He should have been livid!!! I think I was looking for more emotion from these characters and stronger feelings considering their circumstances. Also, the entire situation with Eleni seemed a little out of place in this story.

The idea of this story line is good but the delivery could be improved.

Received a copy via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
I was not compensated for my review.
I was not required to write a positive review.
The opinion expressed is my own.