A review by pavi_fictionalworm
Blow Me Away by Christina Hovland


Also Posted on For The Love of Fictional Worlds

Disclaimer: An eARC was provided via Inkslinger PR and the Author as part of the Blog Tour. The Thoughts, opinions & feelings expressed in the review are therefore, my own.

This is my Christina Hovland and is the second book in the Mile High Matched Series – and honestly I am in two minds as to how to write this review.  

It was the uniqueness of the characters in the blurb that had gravitated me towards the book – a war returned hero turned florist; and a baker – with misconstrued fake relationship between two people who are attracted to each other, but do not want to move beyond the flirtations they have with each other.  

Jake and Heather’s relationship and interactions with each other was okay – not brilliant, not mind blowing but just acceptable – I did enjoy their interactions – I honestly couldn’t tell you – what I do know that overall, with the low level of angst with a sweet romance that were sprinkled with some hilarious banter; but most of all I adored Jake’s grandmother the best. She is snappy, grumpy but has a big heart – in fact, it was her that I kept looking forward to her throughout the book.  

But it is the writing style of the author that had me enjoying the book; which means that I will definitely keep an eye out for this author in the future.

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