A review by jjcrafts
The Caledonian Gambit by Dan Moren


Kyle Rankin is a soldier who has spent the last few years of his life scrubbing toilets on Sabea but when a new gateway in the galaxy opens he gets a chance to go back to his old life as Eli Brody, a soldier for the other side who had been stranded on Sabea since their old gateway had been destroyed in the war. He does it reluctantly. In fact, most of the things the protagonist in this book does are reluctant. Every situation he gets put in he just goes along with and lets himself be manipulated by whoever is closest. It was very frustrating, and while I know there are real people like that it doesn't make for a very likeable character. I didn't really route for him at any point. And even when he's not being told what to do I didn't think his internal motivations for things really add up. It was a fun and twisty Sci fi. The world/s and settings were all well fleshed out and believable but the main issue I had was that the main character was very weak.