A review by tbr_the_unconquered
Engraved on the Eye by Saladin Ahmed


This was my first book by Saladin Ahmed and was impressive enough for me to decide that I want to read more by him. A delectable collection of short stories that range far and wide in their settings and are almost all of them focussed on the feeling of wonder. As I mostly do with short story collections, here is what I thought of them.

Where Virtue Lives : Among all of the stories, this was the meatiest one. Set in a Muslim world, the author had beautiful prose to bring this place to life. Among all the marvels and knick-knacks of the place, we find an aging monster hunter who is tailed by a naïve but talented wannabe apprentice. The first adventure that brings the two together is terrifying and hilarious by turns. 4 stars.

Hooves and the Hovel of Abdel Jameela : Set in another far flung corner of the world from the first story, this one was more of a twisted parable. The lesson that kindness pays is taken and bent out of shape by the author by pitting the protagonist in a dire situation. There are some embellishments with magic and a sprinkling of the horrific. 3 stars.

Judgement of Swords and Souls : Swashbuckling adventure, court intrigues and betrayals. This was a tad predictable although it can only be read in a feverish pace. 3 stars.

Doctor Diablo Goes Through the Motions : What exactly can you do if you are a smart supervillain caught in a world where the only rule is the rule of brawn ? 3 stars.

General Akmed’s Revenge ? : Set in a post 9/11 America, this one captures a xenophobic mood through the eyes of the characters. A dark comedy with a hilarious twist in the end. 3 stars.

Mister Hadj’s Sunset Ride : A Muslim gunslinger in the wild west who goes up against a dark wizard and a recently turned Zombie ? Yes, please. 4 stars.

The Faithful Soldier, Prompted : A post-apocalyptic world with technology playing an interesting role in the life of the very few left. While this did have the potential for expansion to something bigger like a novella, the ending was a tad too predictable. 3 stars.

Iron Eyes and the Watered Down World : Three mercenaries in search of a stolen artefact. Here again it left me with a feeling that the author could have expanded more on these story and the world that surrounded it. 3 stars.

The feeling that this collection left me with was dissatisfaction for all the right reasons as I wanted more of the world in which these stories were set in. They are full of wonder and magic, terror and mayhem and yet hold an allure like the best of fantasy worlds.

Recommended !