A review by marjanabosnjak
Obsidian by Jennifer L. Armentrout


This is the first book in the Lux series written by a cliffhanger master Jennifer L. Armentrout. Not only do all of the books in the series have massive cliffhangers, but they are also impossible to put down. These books will grow under your skin like a parasite and they will never leave. Before you start reading these books, I need to warn you, you will become obsessed.

So, let's stop talking, or in this case, writing, about all the books and just focus on the first one. OBSIDIAN.

When you start reading the book, you get little glimpses of Katy Swartz's life. We find out that her father died because of brain cancer, that's why she hates hospitals and their smell, then we find out that her mother is constantly working, not because they lack of money, but because her mother can't stand having nothing to do. They moved away from Florida because her mom couldn't be in the same house anymore.

Well, I think this is pretty understandable. If your relative died, you know, I think you would be pretty upset. It has been a long time since he died, but her mother isn't dating anyone because she somehow still isn't over it. I like the way Jennifer described Katy and her mother's feelings when it came to Katy's father.

Katy is also a bookworm and a blogger, like me. She blogs about books, gives them reviews, just like me. I mean, it never occured to me that I could blog about books until I read Obsidian. So, thank you Katy for being my inspiration.

She doesn't have a great social life, I mean that in a way that she'd rather be alone on a friday night, reading a book or writing/recording a review on her laptop. She also loved gardening, a thing her and her father did together. I love that Jennifer included these things. Something her father and her both did, somehow makes him more real. Although he died, it just still gives me an impression that he had once lived.

But her normal life turns upside down when one day, she meets Daemon Black. And I just want to state the obvious right now. Daemon is a total hottie. I love the way he was introduced into the book.

When she goes to his house to ask for directions to town, Daemon is mean, but arrogant. His eyes really stand out since they are unique and who wouldn't be attracted to him? One moment, he is sweet, caring Daemon that you just can't help but love, but the next moment he is snarky, impossible to stand, cocky, a douchebag, and a hot infuriating mess.

But thank god, Katy isn't the type of a girl who would easily let him taunt her. She stands up to him, which makes her fierce, feisty and witty. Both characters create great scenes together, making you laugh and feel the things that you never feel. Even though he's a Luxen, Katy does feel something for Daemon, something she keeps denying to herself and to others. And that's what I like.

That she isn't the kind of a girl who would embarrass herself in front of others, stare at Daemon and be a stalker. She is the kind of girl who's doing her own thing, ignoring what she's starting to feel for him. She stands up to him without a problem. And with that, you can't help but sink into the story, feel it as your own.

There is plenty of action in this book, making it impossible to put down. The ending alone was amazing.

It isn't a huge cliffhanger, like in all the other books, but it is enough for you to just jump on the next book. Immediately. And if this isn't good enough for you, there are some of the scenes in Daemon's point of view!

I also feel the need to point out that out of all fictional characters, Daemon is my favorite.

I have read hundreds of books and there were few male fictional characters that came close. Like William Herondale from The Infernal Devices series by Cassandra Clare and Patch Cipriano from Hush, Hush saga by Becca Fitzpatrick.

So, if this review convinced you to start reading, then I suggest you do it now, because you don't know what you're missing.

This is it for this book. Enjoy.

You can also read this review on my blog, where I also write reviews: http://yabookprincess.weebly.com/ya-book-princess/obsidian-1-by-jennifer-l-armentrout-lux

Maryannah Bosnjak