A review by tamandua
Speak: The Graphic Novel by Laurie Halse Anderson


this book covers trauma, depression, and  when it actually dealt with that and the subject matter, it was good. 

But in a lot of ways it fails compared to other works tackling a similar topic. Though it emphasised female solidarity near the end, too much time is spent on a not like other girls way of looking at things, and the way it represented high school was almost comedically ridiculous, to the extent I couldn’t believe any actual school would do any of this. 

like oh god the mascots are hornets we can’t have that bc hornets have the word horn in  then and that’s almost the word horny.  Now we have to change it to wombats but we have to change it again bc no one knows what wombats are oh no. Maybe I’m just not American enough to believe a school would acc be like this lmao 

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