A review by whimsicalmeerkat
The Pickwick Papers by Charles Dickens


When I was in the seventh grade, I read [b:The Pickwick Papers|229432|The Pickwick Papers (Penguin Classics)|Charles Dickens|http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51iY0fsF%2B5L._SL75_.jpg|3315230] for a research paper. I had not at that time, and still, have not read anything else by [a:Charles Dickens|239579|Charles Dickens|http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1183239979p2/239579.jpg], but I am far more interested in changing that statistic than I was then. This is unlikely to surprise many people.

I read [b:The Pickwick Papers|229432|The Pickwick Papers (Penguin Classics)|Charles Dickens|http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51iY0fsF%2B5L._SL75_.jpg|3315230] with a group who decided to read a certain number of chapters each week, based on the original serialization. This proved to be an excellent method. It allowed some of the original suspense back into the story. It added the sense of timing that I missed the first time. It also allowed me more time to think on the antics of Sam, Mr. Pickwick and his friends, Mr. Weller, etc. Overall, it greatly added to my enjoyment. The group plans to read through all of Dickens' works and I can't wait to start the next one!

Original Review: This was the first Dickens novel I read in its entirety. I loved it, at least once I finished. 7th grade is probably not the idea age for this particular work.