A review by trinsreading
Ink Exchange by Melissa Marr


I'm honestly not really sure what to say about this book. I really enjoyed the first book and had high hopes for this one but I was sadly disappointed. This was just a terrible book. I did not enjoy any scenes at all, everything was just bleh. I didn't like the plot, the characters, I can't say there was one thing in this book that I liked. This was just terrible.

- Leslie
Horrible main character. She was just ugh.
I can't even find words to say how much I disliked Leslie's character. She has recently been through traumatic events she chooses to get a tattoo that ties her to Irial. Now, after going through her traumatic events, I just can't believe how easy it was for her to just -- I'm just not going to say anything about that because I don't want to spoil anything for any of you. All I can say was that I did not like Leslie at all.

- Niall
When we are first introduced to him, I had such high hopes for him. But that plummeted rather fast. I can't say that I liked any of the characters in this book. Niall seemed like he was going to be such a great character, I thought I was going to fall in love with him, but sadly (again) I was disappointed with the outcome.

- Irial
No. No. No. No.
I hate Irial.
Can I just throw boulders at him? Ugh, even though he went through a change, I couldn't bring myself to like him. He was just ugh. I can't even find words to describe honestly.

Overall, I did not like this book at all. I do plan on reading the rest of the series because I did enjoy the first book but I'm expecting much anymore. After reading this one, I'm not sure if I want to get the next book anytime soon because this was just horrible.