A review by the_fabric_of_words
Golden Gate by James Ponti


This time, the team is tracking Mother's kids -- his actual, biological family, two teens his ex-wife Clementine disappeared with when she was exposed as a double agent for Umbra years ago.

But first, it opens with an attempted hijacking of a ship, the Sylvia Earle, and attempted kidnapping of two teen girls -- members of the British royal family. Although 20+ times removed from inheriting the throne, they're still worth a lot in ransom.

Sydney picks that night to go on a solo dive to clear her mind, and Brooklyn manages to hide the two whiny royal girls somewhere in the bowels of the ship, where the kidnappers / hijackers don't think to look for them.

Together, the two teen spies thwart the attempt, and make two powerful, determined enemies -- the hijacker, Emil Blix, and unbeknownst to them, a deadly Umbra double-agent, Magpie.

The rescue of the ship generates a lot of media coverage, more like a feeding frenzy, and the FARM teen spies are caught on tape. Not terrible in and of itself, as they're undercover at school at Kinloch Abbey, but pay attention : this will come back to haunt them.

The rescue mission over, Mother enlists Brooklyn to help find clues in the photograph Clementine gave to Brooklyn at the end of the last book. But all it does is stir dissention among the ranks when Sydney and other team members quickly figure out Brooklyn's been picked for a "special mission." Rio feels like his special bond to Mother has been broken.

Mother has to explain Brooklyn hasn't, but he didn't want to involve them all on a "rogue," unauthorized mission. But all it takes is one glance at the photo for Kat to figure out where it's taken, and what the message from Clementine really means.

The kids are off to -- you guessed it, the title's sake -- San Francisco and the Golden Gate Bridge.

I won't reveal anything else, just know, again, this was a FANTASTIC, fast-paced, thriller of a ride and we enjoyed every word of it! And I was tickled pink to see Ponti kept writing in 3rd omniscient! (Squee!)


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