A review by saskiac
Climate Crisis and the Global Green New Deal: The Political Economy of Saving the Planet by Noam Chomsky, Robert Pollin


Incredibly informative and good for the layperson (like me). I like that this included a clear outline and strategy for funding a Global Green New Deal, even though the numbers went somewhat over my head; the main message of the urgency of our climate crisis was enforced on every page with clarity that there is no planet b and we must start acting now- that everyone has their part to play and we cannot leave action up to any one person or country.

This Green New Deal emphasises raising mass living standards, fighting poverty and expanding job opportunities; it provides the framework for a just transition process that will aid the poorest and most disadvantaged populations through rebates, etc.

Though it does miss many intersections (which they make note of themselves), this feels like one book in a stack of necessary reading, and I am sure I will come back to it again and again.