A review by ellasbookishwonderland
Take Me Home Tonight by Morgan Matson



The plot was my favorite part of this book. I love when stories take place over a short amount of time, like how this one revolves around one single night, but so many things still have time to happen. The characters keep getting involved in things, meeting people they know, and everything is tied together in the most interesting of ways. The whole story is ridiculous in a fun way, making it feel more like a sitcom than a book, because some of the things that happen are So Strange but yet realistic enough to be fun rather than annoying. There's a pomeranian named Brad? A Top Gun themed dry cleaning shop? What is going on? The side plot about Teri I really didn't like, on the other hand; it was too weird and unrealistic and had nothing to do with anything else. It was too eventful with too little screen time, it felt rushed and weird and unrelated. If not for that, I would have given it five stars, but unfortunately it ended up dragging it down for me.

The characters were great. Kat and Stevie are two different people with different worries and issues (although considering the synopsis calls them polar opposites, they were more similar than I expected), but they're both very relatable. They're a bit unlikeable, but in a realistic way rather than an annoying way, I'd say. Kat feels like a bit more of a main character, probably because the first part of the book is from her POV, and she's great in that role. She's fun and breezy, and seems like she'd throw herself into anything without thinking first, which is exactly the time of character this type of plot needs to work out.

Take Me Home Tonight is a great coming of age story in a new, interesting package. Throughout this funny, slightly ridiculous story, the characters realize things about themselves and about their relationship, and return home from their single eventful night in New York as new people. I thought my expectations were going to be too high, considering [b:Since You've Been Gone|18189606|Since You've Been Gone|Morgan Matson|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1377702326l/18189606._SY75_.jpg|25591533] is my all time favorite contemporary, but I was not disappointed! It has all my favorite aspects of [b:Since You've Been Gone|18189606|Since You've Been Gone|Morgan Matson|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1377702326l/18189606._SY75_.jpg|25591533], even though the story for the most part is completely different, and has convinced me that I definitely need to read more [a:Morgan Matson|3351454|Morgan Matson|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1281591801p2/3351454.jpg]!